63 vital SEO statistics for 2022 [infographic]

Posted by Wordtracker on 4 Jul, 2022
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Key stats to help you understand the landscape and shape your SEO strategy for 2022.

SEO is ever changing and evolving. Supple's infographic presents the stats you need to know to keep up to date with trends and changes including:

  • 70-80% of search engine users are only focusing on organic results
  • 46% of all searches on Google include local intent
  • 62% of consumers will disregard a business if they can't find them online
  • 51% of businesses agree that videos increase traffic

For these and more, check out the infographic. It covers:

  • General SEO
  • Video SEO
  • Local SEO
  • Mobile SEO
  • Image SEO
  • Ecommerce SEO

Source: Supple

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