6 quick tips for better email open rates

Posted by Rebecca Appleton on 20 Aug, 2015
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Sure, email marketing may not be the newest and most exciting kid on the block but when it comes to enduring effectiveness, it reigns supreme.

By the end of 2017 the internet will host an estimated 4.9 billion accounts, with 95% of these owned by younger consumers. As far as ROI goes, EmailExpert estimates that for every $1 spend on email marketing, businesses enjoy an average return of $44.25. Talk about raking in the cash!

Hungry for more stats? A recent study from McKinsey & Company concluded that email is almost 40 times more efficient at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter while Convince and Convert found that 44% of consumers made at least one purchase last year based on a promotional email they received. 

Of course, not all emails are created equal and with a colossal 247 billion emails sent every day, your business should be doing everything it can to make your content stand out. There definitely isn’t a ‘one size fits all approach’ to creating hard hitting email marketing campaigns but there are a few things you can do to ensure your content is opened, read and responded to. Here’s how!

Write an engaging subject line with a relevant keyword

Did you know that 33% of email recipients open messages based exclusively on the subject line? This means yours should be engaging, intriguing and offer value. And above all, don’t make your subject line seem like spam. That’s a one way ticket to junk mail. Use a keyword in the subject to develop an immediate connection with the reader.

Be mobile friendly

40% of emails are opened on a mobile device which displays an average of four to seven words. To increase your email open rates keep your subject lines short and snappy.

Be recognizable

Email account holders are ultra-suspicious when it comes to spam. Make sure all your messages come from an easily recognizable ‘from’ name.

Establish a schedule

To maximize email open rates you’ll want to create a strategic distribution schedule. Think about when your target audience is most likely to respond to an email and stick to this time frame. You should also stick to a regular schedule when it comes to new content. Set a frequency and let your contact list know when they can expect to hear from you (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly etc.)

Clean up your contacts

For accurate and up to date information on your email open rates take the time to clean up your contacts list. Inactive or outdated addresses should be deleted so that your open statistics reflect the true nature of your reader response rates. 

Aim for the inbox

Keep your emails out of the junk box by using authentication and spam checker functions. This will ensure that all content has the best possible chance of getting opened. 

Why settle for a lackluster email marketing campaign when you can use these tips to boost your open rates? 

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