What are the SEO and marketing benefits of content curation?

Posted by Rebecca Appleton on 23 Feb, 2016
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We know that content marketing comes highly recommended for its link building, traffic referral, thought leadership and lead generating opportunities.

But what happens when you simply don’t have enough hours in the day to produce all of the content you need to tap into these benefits? If you can’t produce dozens of blog posts, infographics and articles every week, content curation can help you plug the gaps.

Curation is one of the three Cs of the content marketing process (creation, curation and collaboration) and makes life easier if you’re struggling to keep up with consumer appetite for new information. Curation means finding and sharing information produced by third parties, to supplement your own content creation efforts.

There is a skill to curation – you can’t simply share any old post. You need to be discriminating and develop a nose for news to sniff out the best and most relevant content from respected and trusted authors. This does mean you still need to dedicate time to the task (though not as much time as would be required to produce all original content). The pay offs are numerous with curated content proven to have a multitude of business, SEO and blog benefits. 

Source: www.curata.com

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